At first glance it may look like a fearsome snake but this rearing creature is actually a small caterpillar with a cunning means of defence. 第一眼看上去可能会以为它是可怕的蛇,但实际上这种生物是由一只小毛毛虫伪装而成的。
As the US Congress ways and means committee began hearings yesterday on China's exchange rate policy, Beijing shows little sign of softening its blunt defence against pressure to let its currency appreciate. 美国国会众议院筹款委员会昨日开始就中国汇率政策举行听证会,但北京方面对人民币升值压力的强硬姿态毫无软化迹象。
Most nations look to the army as the chief means of defence. 多数国家把军队作为国防支柱。
The prisoner had listened to them, with that astounded face which was, according to the accusation, his principal means of defence; 至于被告,他听他们说着,面上露出惊讶的样子,照控诉词上说,这是他主要的自卫方法。
Attack is the chief means of destroying the enemy, but defence cannot be dispensed with. 进攻,是消灭敌人的主要手段,但防御也是不能废的。
Generally, when things are going badly for them, all kinds of representatives of the exploiting classes use offensive tactics as a means of defence in order to survive today and grow tomorrow. 各种剥削阶级的代表人物,当着他们处在不利情况的时候,为了保护他们现在的生存,以利将来的发展,他们往往采取以攻为守的策略。
As he was destitute of any other means of defence, his safty now depended entirely on bodily strength and resolution. 由于手中已没有任何可供自卫的武器,他只好完全依仗自己的体力和决心了。
Self-actualization is also a means to meet the theoretical challenge of the Western humanistic self-actualization in defence of the basic stand and viewpoint of historical materialism. 是回答西方人本主义自我实现理论所提出的某种理论挑战以维护历史唯物论基本立场、观点的需要;
The search and rescue work is the last but the most direct means to avoid or lighten perils of the maritime accident, and can be said to be the "last line of defence" to ensure the maritime safety. 海上搜救工作是避免或减轻海难事故危害的最后的也是最直接的手段,可以说是保障海上安全的最后一道防线。
Its application and development means a lots to the national economy, industry of nation defence science and technology. 它的应用和发展对于国民经济、国防建设和科学技术具有重要意义。